Thursday, December 27, 2018

Well that sucked

So, I worked 4 12hr night shifts in a row, ok, I managed.  My last night was Christmas eve into Christmas morning.  I didn't sleep as much as I wanted cause most of the family was over, and I wanted to spend a little time with them. Of course I was tired, and a little grumpy cause being more of an introvert, I need alone time to recharge.
The day after Christmas, I was put on call,  which was amazing! One night off after 4 in a row is NOT enough.  Then sadly, I got called into work 1 hours later. UGH!  I was a little grumpy when I first got there.  We had just sat down to watch Bird Box, and 15 mins into the movie, the phone rings, and I have to go to work. UGH!

And I found out, that a nurse I liked working with, a very good nurse, quit.  There were problems with schedules, kids, but management didn't really do as much as they could have to help her out, so she got a different job, and left.  They lost a really good nurse.   I will miss her. 

Then there is Odin lol
He looks so sweet in this pic,
But he's really a little stinkier lol.  Housebreaking isn't going quite as well as I wish.  Its not horrid, but the weather has been rainy and crappy and no one wants to go outside to go potty.

But I think I'll keep him cause well look at that face!!!

Giving myself a few days to rest up and relax.  I'm thinking of the goals I'm gonna make for 2019.  I've got a couple, and I'll let you all know what I decide with my next blog.

Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Been in a funk lately.

And I mean a FUNK.  I've not wanted to do much of anything.   I've not blogged for a long time, I've even cut back on my YouTube videos.  I just don't know why.  I know some of it is winter is here and I hate winter, and I hate the lack of sunshine.  But some of it is other things.  I'm not feeling as satisfied at work thanks to management. We have had a HUGE turnover in the last  several months so what does that tell you?

And speaking of YouTube, my viewership is down. That freaking SUCKS ass.  I just don't know what to do to get my viewership up.  It makes me sad.  I want my channel to have at least a little success, and I'm doing backwards.  I just don't know.  I'm feeling a little discouraged with it.  I'd be ok if my videos were getting the same amount of views there were, but I'm getting 10 fewer views or even less, than I was back earlier this summer.   You can see how that would discourage a person. 

I guess my other big news is my new puppy.  Odin, a beagle puppy.  Here's a picture I saw at the breaders that helped me decide to get him.
I have a YouTube video introducing him.  Here it is.
Meet Odin
Hope you enjoy it. 

I've also manged to lose5lbs here in the last couple weeks.  Considering I went up 6lbs, I'm happy to get rid of 5.  I'm feeling ok about it.  I'm starting to see the scale going down, and my bras are feeling better, so that's a very nice thing.  Esp this time of year when everyone brings cookies, candies, etc to the nurses station. Really people can you maybe bring some fruit or something?

I think in the new year, I'm going to get back to bullet journaling.  I did it a little bit last year, but slacked way off.   I think it really did help me track fitness, mood,  eating all that stuff.  I'm going to check out bullet journal videos and figure out what  I want to track.

Guess that's all for now.  Maybe I'll be blogging more since my funk is some better.