Sunday, February 24, 2019

Congrats to Rami!

Ok, so I really didn't watch the Oscars. I watched a few min at the end, but that's it.  Heck I've only seen two of the "big" nominees, Black Panther, which wasn't even Marvel studios best picture of the year let alone one of the best pics of the year, and Bohemian Rhapsody.

I adored Rami's portrayal of Freddie in Bohemian Rhapsody. So of course, I'm thrilled he won.  Members of Queen have said they are amazed at how he "became" Freddie, so if they think he did an outstanding job, then he probably deserved to win.

In other words, I'm LOVING my new Peloton bike!!!!  I've used it quite a few times, and except the mild soreness in my butt from the seat, look forward to my ride.  I'm right now working on heart rate zones and next month I'm going to do Power Zone training for a while.  I need to get my cardio capacity better.  I think doing the power zone, which gets you working in different zones, after you test on zones, and push you to get maybe a little harder.

Otherwise, I just can't get myself together. I'm feeling very discouraged.  I'm counted calories, I've tracked macros. I've worked out some. I'm up 1.2lbs. UGH!  Ok, so lets do measurements. Well, that's a fail.  CRAP!   I know this winter has got me in a HUGE funk, and I know for a while I've been cheating A LOT. But come on, this last week I was doing so well.  WTF!  I hate this sometimes.

Maybe I need to work my macros out more. Change it up.  Or just keep going for a couple more weeks and see what happens.  Maybe I need to curl up in a ball, under a blanket, bitch about how cold it is, be pissed at hubby who has lost like 10lbs cause of a new med that cuts his appetite and then take a long hot bath.

Or run away to a warmer climate for a while.  I'm sick of cold.  So much for March being the start of spring.  They are forecasting lows well WELL below zero. And highs barely hitting double digits.  And that's' Fahrenheit for anyone  who isn't in the US.  Normal high temps are usually in the upper 30s maybe lower 40s.  SOOO.  We'll be about 30 degrees below normal. UGH!.

So I'm fat, cold, and slightly discouraged.  And did I mention cold?

I totally forgot to mention this.

Thursday, February 14, 2019

So I got myself a Peloton bike

I did.  I ordered the dang thing after the blessing of my hubby.

And you know what, I think I'm really going to enjoy it.  I've done 2 rides on it so far,and  I've enjoyed them both.  The feedback you get from the monitor is AMAZING!   It has spurred me on just a little harder than I would have worked out.   I don't want to be last lol. 

I made a video introducing my new bike on my fitness YouTube channel.
Meet my Peloton

In other news, I kind of slipped up a little on my low sugar challenge.  I stopped one day at a local convenience store to knock more of the 4 inches of snow off my car and clean out my wipers that were coated with snow and ice.  And then like an idiot, got donuts to eat on the rest of the way home.  Then I ate Reeses Peices . UGH.  I only was gonna treat myself once a week, not twice a day.  So time to get back on track today.  Valentine's Day is over, and as long as I can stay away from the 50% off candy, I'll be good.

Hubby and I went to Des Moines, and I didn't even stop in Ulta or Sephora.  That's a big deal for me cause I was literally in the mall where Sephora is, and drove really close to where there is an Ulta.   I need to get a little less makeup.  Of course I also just ordered several singles from Coastal Scents sooo.  

I think I might try to do another Project Pan.  A SuperHero theme.  I think that might be fun, and get me using more of my makeup.    I'll need to do a little thinking for this one.

More snow is on the way.  I'm about 19000000% over winter.   January lasted about 829 days, and so far February is lasting about 435 days.   We've had more than 43 inches of snow this winter according to my hubby who has been keeping track.   And more on the way,🙁🙁🙁   I'm done.  I need to move where it is at least above freezing. 

Soon it will be warm (I hope) and I will be outside walking Odin on a leash. I can't wait.   He's grown so much.  He's a little stinker, getting chewing on everything and getting into everything.  But he's fun, he's cute and we know in a few months, he'll grow out of it and be better.  He's still not 100% housebroken, but its been so snowy and cold outside, sometimes we're like " just pee on the puppy pad" 

Not to much else to say I guess.  Hope you all are staying warm.

Tuesday, February 5, 2019

I really, REALLY want a Peloton bike

I'm NOT a fan of cardio.  Oh, I enjoy a nice walk outside when the weather is nice,  and sometimes a kickboxing workout is a really nice thing to do when I want to punch someone.  But give me a choice, I'll pick lifting weights any day.

But, I had an old JohnnyG spin bike.  Bought it several years ago.  I used it a few times, but the dvd workouts that came with it were, well, boring.  Or they were after a few uses.  So I didn't use the bike for more than a few months.  Oh, I used it a few times as a warm up for lifting, or as a cardio burst in between lifting sets.  But not for real spinning

Enter the Peloton app.   I signed up for it very early in Jan.  Then I didn't use it for a couple weeks cause well, winter blues and all.  And a few stupid snow storms and just well, lazy.

Then I used it.  OMG!  I really enjoy the workouts.  There are SO many to pick.  And they have beginner workouts that are short.  So even me, with my craptastic cardio capacity, can manage a good cardio workout, without feeling like I need CPR.

But now, I want the bike.
I mean look at this.  One of the doctors at the hospital where I work has one, and we were talking last night.  He was saying how much better it is getting the feedback right then and there using the screen. And it would be nice to be able to really follow the cadence they say, and all that.  My bike, I just guess cause I don't have all that feedback like that.

I will get a bike.  I will.

I've been going through a little of my makeup and stuff, and putting some listings on Poshmark.  Here's a link to my closet, if anyone wants to check out what I have for sale.  Some shoes, and makeup right now.  But as I go through my closet in the next few weeks, I will be posting more stuff for sale.  Might be some decent stuff for sale.

My Poshmark Closet

That's about it for now.  Time to maybe take a short nap.  Worked last night and didn't sleep enough. Then put some makeup on, and go film a video or two,

Sunday, February 3, 2019

Low Sugar February What have I done?

So, I need to lower my processed sugar intake, again.  I do this a couple times a year,  get my processed sugar intake way down, maintain for a while, then get right back to eating shit again.  Repeat in a few months.  UGH!  Time to repeat again.  So in a day or so I'm sure I'm gonna be a little bitchy.  Pretty sure me not feeling the best was due to my reduction in sugar intake.  But I need to continue and press on, cause every time I do this, I do lose a little weight.   And cause I've been CHEATING big time in late Jan. my weight loss has stalled.  So low sugar it is.  I'll give myself treats a couple times a week.  That will allow for the movie candy I want when we go see movies once or twice a month.

I've done a couple Peloton spinning workouts this last month and I really enjoyed them. Ok, so I can only manage the 20 min beginner workout, but hey, better than being on my couch.  I need to get back to lifting weights, but its been SOOOOO cold which means its cold in my gym. It a converted garage bay so there is no insulation really, and the garage door isn't the best at keeping out cold.  But its warmer now, so its warmer and I will be going out there tomorrow, before work, and getting a  workout in.  I always feel better when I lift weights at least a couple times a week.

I did a video for my fitness  channel about creatine. Its a very interesting supplement I've taken off and on throughout the years.  Back on it after I did all my reading about it.  Here is it if you are interested.
All about Creatine

 Got to go back to work tomorrow.  I don't want to.  I never like Mondays cause well, that's when the ortho patients get knees replaced and I just don't like taking care of ortho patients.  Ortho surgery is NOT what I'm interested in at all.  But working in a small hospital, I don't get a choice.  Pretty much every kind of patient is for us to take care of.  Knee replacement, heart attack, flu, belly surgery, whatever.  We care for it all.   But I still hate caring for the ortho patients lol.

We've had warm weather in Iowa this weekend. To bad it was dreary, very very foggy and muddy AF.  So while I didn't freeze to death outside, I still didn't want to go outside.  Not like I could see anything cause it was so foggy.  Hubby and I had planned on going to Des Moines to get stuff at Costco, Aldis, Petco, etc up  there, but when we could barely see the neighbors house, we stayed home.  We'll try again on Wed.  Less people will be in the stores cause of course, they will be more people working.  He's retired, and I've got the day off.

I'm doing something on my Instagram this month.  A Makeup of the Day shot.  Here's a link to my Instagram if you are interested in seeing my Makeup of the Day.  Sometimes, it will be a bare face cause somedays, I just don't feel like wearing makeup.
Barbells and Beauty Instagram

That's about it for me today.  Not much else to say I guess.  Hope your week goes well.