Sunday, January 22, 2017

The power of the tape measure.

And I don't mean a building one.  I mean on like this:

One you would either measure clothes, or  yourself, (faints)

I renewed my journey to fitness this year.   But its been slow.  I've been working out at home, lifting weights, doing some cardio.  Not gotten to go to Crossfit as much, but I've done a couple Crossfit workouts at home.  I've also been tracking my food, getting enough protein cause I have found if I get lots more protein, I can lose weight easier. And I can eat more!  Who doesn't want that???  Eat more, and lose weight??   I've been eating around 1800 cals a day getting in at least 120gm protein.  I do better getting 130+ gm, but 120 is good.

Anyway, I've lost 2.1 lbs.  Been trying to be happy about that.  But it wasn't working much.  I know other people, people who are not liars, say they have lost 5-10lbs already..WTF!  Why not me?  Why do I have to be a slow loser?  I want to lose 5lbs a month.

So I was feeling a little down.  Then I did something.  I did a quickie set of measurements.  I did a full on set at the first of the year.  This time, I just checked my waist, navel and hips.  Well, I have lost nearly a half inch off both my waist and navel, and a quarter inch off my hips.   So, I'm feeling pretty damn good about that if I do say so myself!

I got a treadmill too!  Got it all set up on Fri. Or rather, my hubby got it all set up for me.  I'm going to use it a lot for sprints.  I want to get so I can run 200m, 400m and 800m so when I see that in Crossfit, I won't think "FUCK! I HATE RUNNING"  but maybe I'll think more "dang, running isn't my favorite" 

Been buying fitness pants and shirts like crazy lol.  Lots of workout capris and cute shits to workout in. I think it makes the workout better if you are dressed nice lol.  Been working for me!

I've been lifting at home on days I'm not going to Crossfit.  I did deadlifts yesterday.  They are my favorite!  I did 185lbs for 4 reps. Working on getting my one rep max up to 300lbs!  It will happen!

I've got one more day off before a new 3 day stretch of work.  I generally like my job, but sometimes I hate working.  Weird.  I'm fine once I get there, but just getting up, getting ready, all that stuff. I hate it.  I want to be able to stay at home and workout, watch tv, play games and read.  Can I win the lottery so I can do that?

I really should get up and do a workout, but I've been having a lazy ass day today and its been nice.  I think everyone needs a day here and there where you take a nap, and do as little as possible.  Today it that day for me.  Hope you all get one soon!


  1. I'm slowly starting to take care of myself. I'm down 5 pounds. Sad it isn't more, but I'm trying to only say positive self-talk. 5 pounds is 5 pounds. Better than 0! I want to be a runner, but I can barely walk, so I am working on walking 20 minutes without being winded. I want some success but I have to take small successes. They will add up to bigger ones, right? Keep it up! You can do it!

    1. Something is better than nothing. Baby steps are better than sitting on the couch. I keep telling myself that.
