Thursday, July 13, 2017

When I die, Amazon will send flowers

And probably see their profits go down by 10% lol.   Yep, I did some ordering on Prime day.  And not just stuff on sale, but other stuff too.

I ordered some vitamins, cause I was running low, and it was a brand I've used before.  Some pre-workout stuff,  workout leggings, which I didn't need but oh well. Makeup brushes, which again, I didn't need, but they were so pretty!!  And stuff that's suppose to help grow out eyebrows cause mine are super thin.  I'll review that stuff on my You Tube channel.

Then today, I took advantage of the try to buy thing they have.  You can get some clothes, try it for 7 days, send back what doesn't work, keep what does.  I ordered 4 scrubs.  I tried a new brand.  I have a thing for scrubs.  I want them to be "just so"  And sometimes a large in one brand is to big, while the next brand, I can barely get them on.  Annoying.  So, I'm going to actually try them out.  I have 2 pair that I got recently,that I wish I had tried on first.  The thighs are not how I like them, meaning they are a little tighter than I like, and the waist it almost to loose.  UGH!

I get enough stuff from Amazon, I'm sure if I died tomorrow, they would send flowers to my funeral lol.   But what can I say.  So easy to shop on Amazon.  And the return policy is good too.

I will be getting ready for work really soon.  I don't wanna.  My heel hurts a little and thinking of walking on it is not filling me with joy.  I have no idea what I did to it.  Woke up this afternoon and my right heel was hurting.  Great.  At least I have med exchange today so that will keep me sitting for a couple hours doing that.  I hope my foot feels better tomorrow. Its leg day tomorrow, and I don't want to miss on leg day, at all.

Friday, July 7, 2017

I needed new shoes like I need someone to shoot me with a nail gun in my foot, twice

But I ordered them anyway!!  Here they are :
Are they not pretty?  I'm going to be wearing them when I do more metabolic kind of workout, something like Crossfit.  And when I'm doing upper body weights.  I have my lifter shoes for when I work legs, but these will be great for upper body.   So there lol.

I also ordered new stuff from BH Cosmetics.  I needed it.  LOL!  I can't even type that with a straight face lol.  I'm also looking to get somethings from Sephora tomorrow.   I was really good this week and put a nice big chunk of money into savings, and I still have plenty of money left over after paying the bills so why not?   I worked extra that week, I kind of deserve it.  I also just got done pre-ordering two palettes from Pinky Rose Cosmetics.  I like pre-ordering.  Unlike Morphe, or Colourpop, which both sold out before I could even get online, I will get these 2 palettes.

I've been doing better in the staying active goals I've got set for myself.  I think smaller changes like that will help me reach my fitness goals I've got.  I can't just rely on good workouts, if I sit on my ass the rest of the day.  Getting up and moving around more all through the day, plus good workouts and reasonable eating will get me there.

Still processing my before shots. OMG!  WTF!  How did I let it get that fucking bad?   Like I said, I know I was fat, but WOW!  Put a maternity top on, and I could easily look 8 months preggers.  WTF???  If looking at those pictures doesn't get me up off my ass and trying to burn that crap off, I might as well just sit in a bed, eat and become one of those people at the beginning of "My 600lb Life"

Well, I'd better think about getting ready for a workout.  Yesterdays kind of sucked.  At least I got up and moved so that's still so much better than sitting on my butt.  Today I'm planning on kicking a little butt!  And growing mine into a nice firm round booty!

Tuesday, July 4, 2017

My Independence from Fat Day!

So, I did  something today.  I took my "before" pictures, (UGH)  😭  and I also took some measurements 😱   OMG!  Not what I wanted to do today.  But I had to.    I did a video I just posted today on my You Tube channel explaining WHY you really need to do this kind of stuff, even if you'd rather not.  Here's a link, if you care :
Why we need to

So, I got that awful task done, and I didn't even throw up once.   So it's all good!

I have declared today my Independence from Fat Day.  Cause you realize just cause we declared our independence, back on July4 1776, we had a lot of fighting before we were actually independent.  So, I'm declaring my independence from being fat, and now I'm going to cont. to fight to get it off. 

I hit a new PR on deadlifts yesterday. 240lbs for one rep.  It was hard and a messy looking lift, but I did it!  Do I'm happy about that.

Waiting on some stuff to get here. Thanks to the holiday, all my stuff I ordered is a day later getting here than it would have been.  I've got some skin care from The Ordinary, I'll be reviewing it. Some makeup from Sephora, and a new 45lbs barbell.  That way I can have 2 to superset with.   OH, and more workout pants cause 45 pair isn't enough lol   I always need more workout pants.

So, in a little while, I'll be getting ready for work, and trying to stay awake.  I managed a short nap today. Hope its enough. 

Sunday, July 2, 2017

Where fore art thou flexibility???

So, I have found that my flexibility has left me.   It packed it bags and went off to parts unknown.  Sigh.  It leaves me feeling tight and probably causing a few aches I get on occasion. Being inflexible is not a healthy thing.

So, I'm starting to work on it.  Been warming up and then doing a little mobility work before my workout, then flexibility and mobility after.  Man, I am so freaking TIGHT!  But it feels so good to work on my flexibility. I mean, its that weird kind of almost hurts when I'm doing it, and feels so good at the same time.   Why did I quit actively working on this?  Not my brightest move ever lol.

Working tonight.  Then I get one night off before working 3 in a row.  Thank goodness they are 8 hour shifts.  I have to go in an hour early for some reason.  I'm a little salty about it, but oh well.  One more hour pay for me.

Not much else is going on.  Just hanging out and working. And working out lol.  I ordered a second Olympic barbell.  That way I can do supersets or go back and forth between two moves without having to unload and reload my barbell.   I can do deadlifts and say, clean and jerks, with 2 barbells which will be nice!

I guess that's about it.  Time to do a little research on the foundation I'm reviewing today.  Later all.