The holidays are over, and I need to get my crap together. I've been slacking way to much. Been buying way to much. Been sitting way to much. I need to get my shit up, moving and back saving money. Or more money.
I've decided to take up using a bullet journal. I've ordered a nice looking journal and I'm hoping to get started in the next few days. I've got a simple day planner, but I mainly use it to keep track of my workouts, and other fitness stuff, which is what I wanted it for. But I want something to have to keep track of everything else. Bills, stuff I want to do, videos I want to film. That sort of thing. And I think a bullet journal will be a good way to keep track of my life. Easy, I can make it what I want it to be, and well, use stickers and all the pretty pens etc to make it mine.
I did manage to do a good thing today. I got my dressing room cleaned out. Got rid of all the boxes, extra wrapping paper, stuff and it looks so much nicer. I also decluttered a few makeup items I don't want anymore. I need to get rid of even more, but well, its hard to get rid of makeup lol. At least for me it is.
I've also decided to do a second "Wise Buying Challenge" for makeup. I do have 1-2 things I want, but really, I don't need any new makeup for a while. I need to use what I've got and trust me, I've got A LOT! And I've got a few new foundations I still need to review, and some I want to do a second opinion on, so I've got plenty to keep me busy.
I'm trying to get my YouTube channels to grow. I've now got two. One that's beauty focused, the original Barbells and Beauty, and one that's fitness focused, Rhonda Gets Fit. I think if I have a journal, where I schedule when to film my videos, it will be a good thing. Might help me grow my channels just getting videos out there. Can't hurt, now can it.
Been colder that SHIT here the last several days. Like today, we were all happy it stayed above zero, as in Fahrenheit almost all day! That's bad. I'm ready for spring. Only a few more days and maybe it will get and stay warmer. I can only hope. I'm not a fan of winter, snow or cold weather. My ancestors were not smart enough to go to a place with warm weather for a longer period during the year, and I'm not any smarter I guess.
So I'm still watching bullet journal YouTube videos, and trying to get in mind how I want to set mine up. Mine will be very me I think lol.